Making the Most of What You HaveMaking the Most of What You Have

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Making the Most of What You Have

When it comes to emergency preparedness, do you really know how to make it on your own? Although most people figure that they need to head to the store to gather essential supplies, you might be surprised to learn that you can do a lot with what you already have in your pantry. I have been working in the emergency essentials field for several years, and I know what it takes to make do with what you have. Check out my blog for great tips and tricks for using your food storage, as well as how to stockpile energy. You never know when this information might come in handy.

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Important Factors To Consider When Installing Backup Power Options For Your Home

Whether you live in an area that is prone to power outages because of hurricanes and snowstorms or you have medical issues that make losing power a threat, deciding to invest in a backup power solution for your home is a big step. From portable generators to all-out standby generator systems, it can get a little overwhelming to make the best decisions about the backup power solution you want. Thankfully, you can usually narrow down your choices by asking yourself a few questions and considering certain factors. Take a look at some of the things to think about when picking out your backup power solution.

How quickly will you need to switch to a backup generator in an emergency?

Portable generators are an excellent solution for most homeowners. These units can be wheeled out of a garage or storage area and fired up as needed. However, portable generators can also take some time to hook up and get situated. Plus, they have limited power supplication abilities. If you need power quickly or you need to make sure the lapse in power is brief, it is better to have a fully integrated standby generator wired into your electrical system. 

Standby generators can be hooked up to an electric transfer switch so when the power goes out, all you need to do is flip a few switches to keep power from the generator moving to specific items in the house. For example, if you want to make sure your refrigerator is never without power, simply make sure this appliance is wired to the generator. 

How much do you have to invest in a backup power source?

If you are working with a limited budget, a portable generator may be your only financially feasible option. You can get small portable generators suitable for one appliance and maybe a few lights for about $200-$650 or a larger version that is designed to be used for longer periods of time for$330-$1,000. 

A standby generator can be a little more costly. While well worth the investment for the convenience provided, standby generators are larger and more efficient, so they do tend to be more costly. A standby generator with the ability to power the entire home could run as much as $20,000. Most homeowners choose a standby generator that powers only certain components, however, so they do not cost quite as much to have installed. Installing a standby generator will also mean you will need an electric transfer switch installed by a licensed electrician. Visit a site like for more info.