Making the Most of What You HaveMaking the Most of What You Have

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Making the Most of What You Have

When it comes to emergency preparedness, do you really know how to make it on your own? Although most people figure that they need to head to the store to gather essential supplies, you might be surprised to learn that you can do a lot with what you already have in your pantry. I have been working in the emergency essentials field for several years, and I know what it takes to make do with what you have. Check out my blog for great tips and tricks for using your food storage, as well as how to stockpile energy. You never know when this information might come in handy.

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Is Solar Power Enough To Fuel Your Entire Home?

If you're like most homeowners, you may be looking into cutting monthly utility costs — and you may also love the idea of doing so using a clean energy source such as solar panels. However, you might be wondering if solar panels alone can produce enough energy to fuel your entire household. Unfortunately, there's no one-size answer for this problem, but the good news is that solar power systems can benefit virtually any household. Only a trained solar technician can tell you if you'll be able to give up traditional electricity completely, but solar panels can work well if you meet the criteria.

Your Geographical Area

Although you won't be able to fulfill all of your household's energy requirements on a year-round basis using strictly solar power if you live in locations with less sun, solar electric systems nonetheless have the potential in these areas to cut your average energy consumption substantially. Keep in mind that the farther north you are, the longer the summer sun stays out, so your panels will have the opportunity to absorb and utilize a greater amount of the sun's energy during that time. Solar panels placed on an average-sized home can probably generate plenty of power for use during late spring, summer, and early autumn, which will result in a significant reduction of your annual energy costs.

The Amount of Shadow-Free Roof Surface You Have

The amount of shadow-free roof surface that your home has is another important consideration when trying to figure out whether solar power will be able to fulfill all of your home's energy needs. If your home is nestled in a grove of trees, a solar power technician can provide advice on how to gain the maximum amount of shadow-free surface on your roof while minimizing the number of trees that need to be removed. 

Your Household's Average Energy Consumption

Most modern families use far more energy than their counterparts of the past, thanks to the abundance of personal electronic devices and household appliances. For example, large families with a houseful of children who live in areas above the 45th parallel may need to use supplemental power on occasion, particularly during the winter, but they'll still enjoy substantially lower power bills. You may be surprised, however, at just how much energy solar panels provide. Keep in mind that because solar and other clean types of energy are quickly moving into the mainstream during the 21st century, the existing technology is evolving and improving at an astounding rate.