Making the Most of What You HaveMaking the Most of What You Have

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Making the Most of What You Have

When it comes to emergency preparedness, do you really know how to make it on your own? Although most people figure that they need to head to the store to gather essential supplies, you might be surprised to learn that you can do a lot with what you already have in your pantry. I have been working in the emergency essentials field for several years, and I know what it takes to make do with what you have. Check out my blog for great tips and tricks for using your food storage, as well as how to stockpile energy. You never know when this information might come in handy.

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How to Find the Best Solar Power Installation for Your House

We're at a time in history where so many industries are being disrupted. New technology is making life easier and more efficient, and in no case is that more true than when considering solar energy. Though solar energy is a new technology, already greater than 3% of the United States' infrastructure runs on the back of solar power. You can take advantage of solar power in your home when you learn about the technology, plan for an installation, and find the company that can do the work for you. The tips in this article will explain what you should know. 

1. Is solar power right for your home?

Solar energy is great for anyone that wants to combine clean technology with financial savings. Traditional electricity comes from a variety of sources, such as coal, fossil fuels, and nuclear power. Not only are these energy sources polluting the environment, but they also cost a lot of money and rely on potentially tumultuous business transactions. With solar power, you cut out the middle man and get your energy directly from Mother Nature. 

Solar power eliminates an energy bill from your household budget and is a meaningful way to lower your carbon footprint. You are also entitled to clean energy tax breaks upward of 30% of the cost of your solar panels. Installing solar energy is a great way to modernize an old house, and to make your home more of a valuable investment. 

2. Are you prepared to move forward with a solar power company?

Solar power installations are quite complex, so it requires the assistance of skilled experts who can provide efficient design and labor. If any of your neighbors or friends have solar energy, ask them which professionals they hired to address the work. Check out Environment Protection Agency (EPA) resources, in addition to associations like the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), American Solar Energy Society (ASES), and the American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE). 

Browse their inventory of thin film, polycrystalline, and monocrystalline panels and ask as many questions as you need to until you feel comfortable and informed. Once you learn more about their products, these professionals will give you a detailed price sheet for their services. A solar power company might charge $15,000–$25,000 or so for their services depending on your area and the size of your roof. 

Use these tips and then reach out to a local solar power company to begin this process.